QuickBooks Business Champion – September 2014

man with trophy smiling

Corona Foods

Corona Foods is a Durban-based cheese manufacturing company that is owned by Melanie Roux and has been operated by her and her family for the past three years.  The company was previously owned by a Greek gentleman for whom Melanie did the books. In 2011 he retired to Greece and sold the business to Melanie. After buying the business Melanie has been going from strength to strength.  The company specialises in the manufacture of various cheeses which they supply to the wholesale trade.  The business now boasts a staff of 20 people, ranging from the manufacturing to the admin side and has been run using QuickBooks Accounting Software since its inception.

Melanie said of QuickBooks, “After using other software packages in previous jobs and having endless problems, my brother from overseas recommended that I look into using a UK-based software package.  I did my homework and QuickBooks came out tops, so I gave them a try and have not looked back.  Having studied bookkeeping and financial accounting, I found QuickBooks to offer everything that I needed in an incredibly user-friendly way.  What I found so amazing was that other staff who had a limited understanding of finances also found it just as easy to work with and to understand.  The product is just fantastic, the snap-shot that it offers of your business, the easy reporting and of course, accurate VAT reporting which is so integral to a small business are all at your fingertips which makes running our business that much easier”.

For more information on Corona Foods, please contact Melanie Roux on Melanie@coronafoods.co.za

Every month we will be highlighting one of our users’ businesses. Send a 50-word email to annie.fyfe-hitchings@easybiztech.co.za about your company and a quote about why you use QuickBooks Accounting Software and your business could be featured as the QuickBooks Business Champion of the Month.

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