5 Conference Venue Must-haves

As frequent conference attendees can confirm, not all speaking events are created equal. While a few are eye-opening and insightful, some simply fail to impress.

Regardless of the topic of your discussion, where your talk or workshop is held can have an impact on everyone’s experience, including your own. You want to find somewhere with good service at a cost effective price. So, before you host your next seminar, we highly recommend that you take a look at the five key features all the best conference venues have.

1. Enough Room

First, and most importantly, your meeting space has to be able to comfortably accommodate every one of the delegates. Large groups often require halls or suites, while smaller meetings may only need a workshop area or dining room. You should also take your seating arrangement into consideration. For instance, tables take up more space than rows of chairs.

2. Floor and Furniture Plans

Ensure that the establishment can provide you with seats and desks – or find a supplier from which you can hire them. You may also require a stage or podium.
In addition to determining the furniture you need, the type of conference you host is sure to dictate your floor plan. For example, when food is offered, many arrange for round tables, linens and place settings. However, for ‘speak-only’ events, tables and comfortable chairs for group discussions should suffice.

3. Essential Equipment

The size of your conference space and nature of the meeting also influence the technical supplies required. In large rooms with many delegates, a microphone, sound system and projector are a must. This enables everyone to hear and see your presentation clearly.
Conversely, mics and speakers aren’t necessary in workshops or smaller discussions. That being said, having document points projected onto a big screen can ensure a meeting stays on topic and provides direction to listeners.

4. Modern-day Conveniences

Technology also has other roles to play at conference venues. For example, a growing number of attendees use social media to live-tweet or post interesting insights online as they’re heard. Therefore, cellphone reception and Wi-Fi are becoming quite essential.
Air-conditioning also shouldn’t be overlooked. Whether you need a cool breeze on summer days or warmth during winter, rooms at comfortable temperatures make it easier for everyone to focus.

5. Value-adding Extras

Don’t take bathrooms for granted. Though not directly related to your presentation, having clean and functional washrooms and urinals available should be standard. Ensure that the establishment of your choice keeps the restrooms stocked with toilet paper and something to dry visitors’ hands.
For travelling convenience, we also advise you to find a place with adequate parking on the premises or nearby. Areas with lights or security guards are excellent, and having these spaces off the street is even better.

Venue Hire in Johannesburg

Should you ever need a place to host a small conference or workshop near Rosebank, the QuickBooks Training Centre has two unique settings available:

• 36-seater seminar space
• 15-seat workshop room

Located just two blocks up from the M1, it’s easily accessible, air-conditioned and fully equipped with the furniture, dining services and projection equipment necessary for your event. Best of all, it’s available at an affordable price, charged per person.

At the end of the day, executing an effective conference is all about attention to detail. Therefore, it’s imperative that you source a venue capable of keeping delegates happy, comfortable and focused on your presentation.

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