Success breeding success

Success is achievable, regardless of the statistics. Finding a niche and having the dedication it takes to start your own business is why people like Paul Simon are in the news – and in the money.

We’ve written this blog to show you that your business can succeed, keep on succeeding and lead you into a whole new level of success.

Enter Paul Simon; the founder of YDE and Über Flavours. This is his story of how, at the age of 21, he changed his future forever.

Born in Cape Town and raised in Constantia, he had the gift of the gab.  After school, Simon went on to receive a Diploma in Fashion Marketing at the Institute of Marketing Management, which sparked his interest in fashion – this would later become his main survival tactic.

At 21, and almost penniless, he launched Young Designer’s Emporium at the first store in Greenmarket Square, Cape Town. One of the main motivators of this endeavor was his parents; specifically, his father. Paul’s father threatened to kick his unemployed, laid back son out of their family home! And so began YDE. Quite something for a kid being voted “least likely to succeed” in high school!

Paul’s mother signed surety for YDE’s first premises, putting her retirement savings on the line to see her son’s dream come true. Her risky gamble was to be the foundation of one of South Africa’s greatest success stories. After YDE’s decade of success, Simon sold the store to the Truworths Group for a rather hefty sum.

After YDE….. Über Flavours

Almost 10 years later, Über Flavours was launched. An all-natural preservative and no added sugar iced tea, which has sparked and spread all over. The first sparks of the Über Flavour idea began in July 2013, when Paul noticed a shortage of natural, no added sugar products to offer his family and friends. In one year, he set about formulating a delicious brand that he was excited to offer to a market he believed certainly had a gap for a more natural, great-tasting product. Adding this idea to an already booming product (Rooibos Tea) became a match made in heaven.
After a family trip in Europe, Simon investigated and found that Rooibos had taken off overseas, so he set out employing a food developer to help create a healthy Rooibos Iced Tea that fitted the basic principles for the overseas market – and so Über Flavour was born. Currently, there are 4 flavours for you to try but we don’t see the brand slowing down any time soon. Find out more here: Uber Flavour

Paul Simon is just one example of how recognizing a problem and finding that solution can make all the difference to you and your company. It really is the first step to success… Success breeds success, so keep that innovation going and make sure you have the right tools. There is nothing that can stop you from creating something truly remarkable.

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