Best business apps in 2019

Keeping on top of what’s happening in and around your business is crucial. Here are our best apps every business owner should use.


1. QuickBooks

QuickBooks accounting software helps you to run your business as it basically helps you to become your own accountant.

You can use QuickBooks to track your business’ sales and expenses; view financial statements, such as profit and loss reports; pay your employees and vendors; track unpaid invoices; maximise your tax deductions; and more. EasyBiz is a local authorised partner of QuickBooks, offering local support and packages to suit your every need: QuickBooks


2. Skype

Skype is used to video or voice call anyone in the world; you can have up to 25 people together on a call; send videos, photos and files of any size; share your computer screen for a visual presentation and send text or voice messages. You can download the app here: Skype

Time Management

3. My Minutes

If you find you can’t stay focused on your most important tasks or find you are just wasting time, My Minutes can help you stay on track by setting goals, such as “Spend only one-hour checking emails” etc. Download the app here: My Minutes

Mobile Payment

4. Zapper

Zapper makes mobile payments convenient and secure across all market sectors for both consumers and merchants. Basically, anywhere you display your unique Zapper QR code, you can get paid instantly once the code has been scanned by the customer. Try out the app here: Zapper

Other Favourites

5. Dropbox

Dropbox is the most popular platform on which to store and share files in the cloud. It’s easy to use, your files and documents are on hand 24/7, regardless of where you are. Download the app here: Drop Box

6. MailChimp

MailChimp helps you build and manage your mailing lists and easily create and send newsletters. You can also build and customise email templates and view performance reports about your emails. This information can help you send your customers more relevant emails. Check them out here:Mail Chimp

With technology evolving constantly and being so imperative to everyday functioning, being aware of which apps are the best to use is imperative, especially when it comes to starting up your own business. With our suggested list of the best business apps for 2019, we hope that they will help you keep on top of things and use your time more efficiently.

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Personal Information
Where a party receives any personal information (“PI”) related to the other party, the party who receives the PI, will comply with and have adequate measures in place to ensure that its employees, agents, subsidiaries and representatives comply with the provisions and obligations contained in the Protection of Personal Information Act, No. 4 of 2013. Any PI pertaining to one party which is required by the other party, will only be used by that other party for the purposes of this contract and will not be further processed or disclosed without the written consent of the latter and the recipient of that PI will take all reasonable precautions to preserve the integrity and prevent any corruption or loss, damage or destruction of the PI. If and when the contract is terminated, each party will, save to the extent that it is required to do otherwise by any applicable law, erase or cause to be erased, all PI and all copies of any part of the PI relating to the other party”.