Time is Money

“Time is money – It means time is a valuable resource because our time in this world is finite, so it’s better to do things as quickly as possible and get more done in a shorter amount of time…”

However, the idea that time is money has a long history.

Originally, this phrase can be linked back to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote in his 1748 essay, “Advice to a Young Tradesman”, “Remember that time is money,” he then goes on to remind his reader of the cost of laziness. When you’re not working, he says, you’re just throwing potential earnings away.

“Time is money” isn’t something we can trace to any one individual; rather it’s a formula that seems to float in humanity’s subconscious and pop up every so often. Be it in literature or conversation with someone. The phrase embodies a wish for success and a need for a foolproof way to achieve it. Simply put, if you put in enough time…the money will come.

Not working as hard as possible could mean, as Franklin once suggested, an opportunity cost. However, it could be deemed worth it if how hard you work seems to be interfering with your ability to enjoy life.

One of the great laws of labour is that time equals money: The less time you waste, the more you can get done and the more money you can make.

How can you save time?

One way of saving time which could make you extra money is having the right software or systems in place to assist you. Making your day to day tasks that much easier and efficient. Technology has come a long way, almost keeping the idea of “time is money” in mind. Every day things are improving to make sure we can get as much done as possible in the shortest amount of time, because at the end of the day, who has enough time in a day?

EasyBiz has a lot of products and services to assist you in protecting your time – from local support to QuickBooks Online software packages, to training courses – we want to make sure that you stay on top of your game at all times, making the most out of your time.

See for yourself here: EasyBiz Tech

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Personal Information
Where a party receives any personal information (“PI”) related to the other party, the party who receives the PI, will comply with and have adequate measures in place to ensure that its employees, agents, subsidiaries and representatives comply with the provisions and obligations contained in the Protection of Personal Information Act, No. 4 of 2013. Any PI pertaining to one party which is required by the other party, will only be used by that other party for the purposes of this contract and will not be further processed or disclosed without the written consent of the latter and the recipient of that PI will take all reasonable precautions to preserve the integrity and prevent any corruption or loss, damage or destruction of the PI. If and when the contract is terminated, each party will, save to the extent that it is required to do otherwise by any applicable law, erase or cause to be erased, all PI and all copies of any part of the PI relating to the other party”.